Good morning, good morning! It looks as though it's going to shape up to be a beautiful day here. I sure hope so, because this little cold snap we've been experiencing this week is for the birds... but not this Bird! Anyway, I haven't really been posting like I should, but I'm hoping to change that this coming week. I'd like to challenge myself to post something new every day next week. We'll see how that goes... Hopefully one of those posts will consist of the progress I've been making with my exercise endeavors, especially my new workout regimen. I'm sore as the dickens right now, but hopefully by Monday I'll be a little more used to it. Progress. We'll see...
Anyway, thanks for stopping by from My Little Life for 5Q Friday! Glad you're here. On with the show!
1. Who mows your grass? Actually, as of 4 days ago, I do! The Hubs usually does all the mowin' and trimmin' and weedeatin', but in my effort to get healthy and active I decided I should try to do some of that stuff, too. I figure it's a nice way to multi-task - I get something accomplished that needs to be don and I get my butt up and moving. Win-Win, right?
Monday I was planning on taking a day off from the gym but still wanted to do something physical... Hubby was planning on doing some yard work and asked if I wanted to try to help with that. You see, I had a couple wrist surgeries to repair some ligament damage about 10 years ago and it bothered me for a long time when I'd do certain things, such as mowing the grass. No, I didn't just say that to get out of it ;-) The vibrations, not to mention the bearing weight on it to push the mower, really hurt. Using a blow dryer in that hand is also a problem.
Anyway, like I said, that's been 10 years ago. Aside from the achiness of arthritis sometimes I haven't really noticed any significant pain or problems lately. As a matter of fact I've even caught myself using the blow dryer and realizing it wasn't bothering me.
So, back to Monday, I decided to give the push mowing a try. And I'll be darned if I didn't make it through the whole yard (with only minimal tingliness for the next half hour). It did feel strange, but not in a way that would prevent me from doing it again. I was pretty pumped!
Who gets excited over push mowing their yard? Well, Me. That's who. I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon enough, but I'm pretty excited about being able to do something I haven't done in a very long time. It's also exciting to me to be able to help my husband out. He works so hard for us, and if I can take one thing off his workload to give him a hand, I'll gladly do it. Not to mention, again, it'll be a nice way to burn some extra calories. Yay me!
2. Do you have a picture wall or picture gallery in your house (show us!)? I have
tons of photos throughout my home. I mean seriously. I'm a bit of a picture whore. Unfortunately, I do not have a gallery wall in my house. Yet. I have several ideas pinned for one though so hopefully I can tackle that project sometime this summer. ...with our new family photos. We actually have a photo session scheduled Sunday with my very dear friend who happens to be a very talented photographer. I'm so excited!
3. What book has influenced your thinking the most? Or, what blog? (I want to read what gets people thinking!) Hmm... this is a toughie. Apparently this question gets me thinking, but nothing definitive is coming to mind. I suppose the news blogs are what gets me thinking the most. That may not be what you were going for, but I guess it's what does it for me.
Articles of achievement give me inspiration. Articles of tragedy give me compassion. Articles of abuse give me rage and heartbreak. I learn from all of these things. They make me constantly evaluate myself and where I stand in a society where these things happen.
They initiate questions in my mind.
What could I do?
Hmm... things to think about...
4. Do you have allergies? If so, how do you handle it this time of year? I don't really have any known allergies... Good for me, I guess. Right?
5. What's your go to meal to cook in an hurry? My go to meal is tacos. My family loves homemade tacos. And since it really doesn't take that much time it's not a bad meal for when we're in a hurry. Especially when I have taco meat already made in the fridge. (Sometimes I'll make an extra pound when I'm make taco soup or something for just such occasions.)
Well, thanks again for stopping by.
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