Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Here we go...

Well Hello, no one in particular... I'm Bird. Pleased to meet you, I'm sure! Here's a brief run down on who I am... (why ruin the mystery too early, right?)

I'm a twenty-something wife and mother of two (wife to only one though, just to be clear). My little family resides in the Ohio Valley where the weathermen are never right and allergens are high. I work a full time job outside of the home. My kids go to public school, or at least the one who is old enough to does. My hubby also works outside the home... that is, when he's got work. He's in one of those trades that when work slow down, they do lay offs or send him to a job site 3 hours away from home- not across country, but far enough that you don't want to make the drive every day... Hmm... seems like enough for now. I'm sure you'll learn plenty more about us later...

So, what's the purpose of this blog? Well, I don't know really. It'll be a catch-all, I suppose. I've been doing a family blog for something like 2 years now and enjoy it, but it's not really something I want to put out there for the world to see. I did a Disney blog for a while last year- tracked the progress for planning our trip, shared tips and reviews of items and services in and out of the parks, fun stuff like that. I enjoyed writing for an audience. The hubby and I got in a little tiff about my using the kids on the blog so often though for complete strangers to see so I stopped writing there. Not to mention once the trip was over it was almost depressing to continue writing not know when our next trip back to the World would be.

Anyway, I'm not much of a New Year's Resolution maker- always seem like I disappoint myself. But for whatever reason, this year I am feeling inspired and motivated. Motivated for change. Motivated for action. Simply motivated. I feel like I have all this energy just busting at the seems. My mind is racing with ideas and crazy, brilliant thoughts. I'm not sure where it's all coming from, but I can tell you a portion of it is coming from Pinterest, lol. Boy, I boycotted that site for a while because I'd heard how addicting it was... little did I know... Anywho, back to the point, I'm feeling inspired to get things in order- in my home, in my life, in my head...

So, again, you ask, what does that mean here? Well, I'll tell you. Here is where you'll see those changes, progressions, transformations, and whatever other random ramblings I may throw in there. Here is where I'll post before and afters. Here is where I'll show you my latest projects. Here is where I'll tell you what a failure I've been and how I'm hopefully turning it around.

If that's something you'd be interested in seeing, well, then hang around. I can imagine it's going to be an interesting ride. We'll see where this goes...

Talk to you soon!

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